About CFBA

CFBA’s Mission
The Mission of the Connecticut Farm Bureau is to elevate the stature of agriculture in our state. Through education, market promotion and legislative advocacy, we strive to increase farm income and to improve the quality of life not only for Connecticut farmers, but also for their consumers.
CFBA & Connecticut County
Farm Bureaus
Connecticut Farm Bureau is a statewide non-profit organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. Each of Connecticut’s eight counties have a farm bureau that is a separate legal entity with their own Board of Directors and plan of work. These eight county farm bureaus work collaboratively with Connecticut Farm Bureau to promote and advocate for agriculture.
CFBA’s History
Connecticut Farm Bureau and the American Farm Bureau Federation were both formed in 1919 with the goal of making farming more profitable and to promote agriculture. The first two county Farm Bureaus in Connecticut were Fairfield and Litchfield both formed in 1915. The founders of Connecticut Farm Bureau understood the strength and effectiveness of farmers working together for the common good.
CFBA Structure and Organization
Connecticut Farm Bureau’s structure is highly democratic and encourages participation at the local, county, state and national levels.
CFBA’s annual agricultural policy evaluation process lays the foundation for our organizational priorities and guides our legislative and regulatory work. Our policy book on agriculture is updated every year and typically contains over 170 statements on farming issues from agriculture in schools to taxation to farmer’s markets. This document represents the organization’s opinions on a wide range of farming issues. The time and attention devoted to debating, crafting and voting on these statements is critical because the statements drive CFBA’s legislative priorities, effect member programs and services, guide our positions on regulatory issues and inform our discussions with community groups and municipalities.
During the summer months each of the eight county farm bureaus hold policy development meetings open to each county’s respective members. These meetings are an opportunity to gather with other farmers in the county, share ideas and concerns, and propose new policy ideas or adjust existing policy.
During the months of September and October all of the eight county Farm Bureaus hold annual meetings where CFBA voting members in that county gather to elect new county officers, elect a slate of voting delegates for the state annual meeting and vote on the policies proposed at their summer policy development meetings.
After all of the counties have voted on their new or revised policies, these changes are forwarded to the State Policy Development Committee. This Committee then reviews the proposals prior to the state annual meeting. At CFBA’s annual meeting typically held in November, the final policies are presented to the voting delegates for discussion and debate.
At the conclusion of this process, CFBA’s new and revised policies are then forwarded to American Farm Bureau Federation for consideration during the policy development process at the National Convention.
The county policy development meetings, the county annual meetings and the annual meeting are all opportunities for members to become involved with CFBA. Additional opportunities for involvement include CFBA’s Young Farmer Committee, CFBA Women’s Leadership Committee, the Connecticut Vegetable and Berry Growers Association and a variety of commodity advisory committees.